Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why Food Is So Comforting

Photo: debaird
Hm - Swedish almond cake and strawberries

The other day, while I was watching my recently adopted pup suckling my arm, it dawned on me why food for us is related to comfort and feeling good. It all has to do with our first food and where we get it from.

Think about it, why would a baby dog suck a human's arm when there's no nutrition to be had? And he does that regardless if he has a full tummy or an empty one, well knowing that it's not the milk he's after.

Photo: Robin Taylor
The first meals are the best

It's the sucking reflex of course that all young mammals (including human babies) are born with. Have to be born with or else they would die because they wouldn't be able to suck milk from their moms (or a bottle for that matter). But other than the milk, it's also the physical closeness to the mother (or whoever the caregiver is), the feeling of comfort and of being safe that nourishes any young critter.

Photo: Jing a Ling
Mac and cheese and espresso? - Sure!

Watching my dog got me thinking (once again) of how amazing nature is when it comes to breastfeeding. Not only is what the mother eats converted into the most delicious, healthy, nutritious and tasty first food (i.e. slightly sweetish milk) but it is also "hidden" in a spot that guarantees the closest contact with the source and some cuddles and hugs in the process.

Photo: Liz Lawley
So many yummy choices! 

My little dog's mother died when he and his six siblings were just three weeks old, yet that was enough time to instill in him the value of and search for that feeling of comfort. So he had no problems accepting a human as his mom and finding a spot similar to his mother's warm belly that gave him a similar safe feeling. Aw!

Nothing says 'I love you' like a homemade cake

And all of us carry memories of that feeling of being held and comforted, maybe after a bath, while being fed. That feeling that everything is perfect and all right and at the same time, yummy food is being provided. So no wonder that we associate food we really like with comfort or that we use food to get comfort - when we're stressed out, sad or plain wiped out from a long day.

Photo: Tom Ventura
A post about comfort food wouldn't be complete without pizza!

I've searched flickr for what others have labeled comfort food and dug up some tasty dishes. What's your favorite comfort food? And do you still have memories of being fed and comforted as a baby? My daughter certainly does and she treasures them.    

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