Friday, August 31, 2012

Each One of Us Counts

Photo: James Jordan

"If you think you're too small to make a difference...
try sleeping with a mosquito in the room."
~Dalai Lama

Sometimes there's a quote that's not like the others - instead of glancing at it, you read it, read it again and think about it. This is one of those.

How many times do we think that we're too small, our actions too insignificant to really make a change? It's the main argument for not voting, not taking action, not speaking up for others and ourselves, not reacting, procrastinating. Someone will do it. Not me. I can't change anything.

There are two counterarguments to this: First of all, we're not as insignificant as we think. It takes only one spoke to stop a wheel, one spanner in the works and yes, one mosquito to drive us nuts at night.

Secondly, all humans are alike, so chances are if you're thinking like that, somebody else is too. That makes two of us, three of us, tens of us, hundreds, thousands and millions of us. Who's insignificant now?

And finally, one more inspirational quote:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." 
~Margaret Mead


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