Sunday, July 22, 2012

Trash into Treasure: Recycled Robo Planters Bring Old Gadgets Back to Life

For Colombian artist and sculptor Mario Caicedo Langer, gadgets don’t just die once they cease to fulfil their intended functions as shavers, joysticks, computers and what not. Even more mundane objects like picture frames, coffee filters and old deodorant bottles are not safe from Mario. He takes metallic, inorganic objects and turns them into functional, organic sculptures. 

Though at times a bit menacing-looking, his Robo Planter series is anything but. In fact, the artist literally breathed new life into these objects that many would simply regard as trash by filling them with plants. Lucky bamboo, cacti and creepers happily flourish in their unusual pots.

Planter Man, seen here, for example, was made out of a broken coffee filter, old knobs, roll-on deodorant balls (for the eyes), the nozzle from a damaged heat gun and a plastic cap that doubles as a hand. Really cool, creative and inspiring! In fact, we’d strongly suggest taking a look at Mario’s flickr stream for more inspiration.

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